
Jen and Larry lined two canoes loaded with a winter’s supplies to an uninhabited log cabin over 100 miles from the nearest village. There we settled in for the long winter–fixing up the cabin, picking berries, hunting moose and small game, bucking up firewood with an ax and bow saw, exploring the country.

Winter’s starkness lent poignancy to our solitude, ever shortening days punctuated by not seeing the sun for over two months, intense cold, amplified by grappling with hunger when our food supplies ran low.  Through it all we reveled in the most profound sense of tranquility and freedom that we have ever experienced.  We floated out after breakup in May.

Although getting there was simpler–plane and boat–we spent another winter on a remote homestead at the tip of the Alaska Peninsula, a place of extraordinary beauty and wildlife, with foul weather to match.

Slides and stories of life in the Alaska wilds.


MONDAYS @ 7:15 pm or by appointment

June 18- August 27, 2018

At Steller Botanical Health in the Salmon River Business Center

$25 per Person,  Ages 16 & under $5.00